Friday, 28 September 2012

Content Type Syndication as Content Type Hub

Till SharePoint 2007 there’s no way to manage Content type centrally. To share Content Type across site collection level or web application level in SharePoint 2007, you need to copy the same content type in different site collections or web applications. Another way could be to use web feature to enable content type across site collections or web applications.But the good news is that SharePoint 2010 has provided out of the box support for sharing Content types across farm level.

Publish Content Type

The Enterprise Metadata Management Service or Metadata Service (in short), allows to share Metadata and Content Type across the farm. To share Content types you need to define the content type(s) in a site collection (say CTSiteCollection). You can consider the site collection (CTSiteCollection) as the place where you’ll put all your related content types to share across farm. This site collection,which is used to host content types or sharing,is called Content Type Hub.

1. Create a new content type in a site collection that you want to share
First select a site collection as a place to host your content types. You will define your content types to share across, in this site collection. You can create a new site collection or use an existing one. Once you have an site collection in your hand, create a content type and for this discussion let’s name it MyContentType.
2. Activate feature to enable content publishing in site collection:
The site collection, which will host content types for sharing, is known as content type hub. To enable your site collection to be a content type hub you need to  activate a feature known as “Content Type Syndication Hub”. Once you have activated this feature, you will find an option “Manage Publishing for this content type” in your content type setting page as shown below:

Figure 1: Content type publishing option will be available on activating feature “Manage Publishing for this content type”
3. Bind content type hub with a metadata service.
Go to the central administration => Application Management. Then select your metadata service or create a new one. You will find there are two entries for each metadata service. One is service and another is connection as shown below.

Figure 2: Metadata service and connection
Configure Metadata Service: Now click on the metadata service (but not on the name as this will bring you to ‘Term Store Management Tool’) and then click Properties button from the ribbon on the top of the page. On the properties window there’s an option for Content Type Hub and here put the url of your site collection you have selected/created (for example, http://server:port/ or http://server:port/sites/mysite). Now your metadata service is ready to be used by metadata service
Configure Metadata Connection: To configure metadata connection, go to metadata service connection properties and ensure that the connection consumes the content type hub as shown below:

Figure 3: Metadata connection settings for consuming content type hub.
4. Publish the content type
Now you go back to the site collection (which is used as content type hub) and go to content type settings page. Here in this page you will get the option “Manage publishing for this content type” option. If you don’t get the option activate feature “Content Type Syndication Hub” as described in step 2. Now click on the link “Manage Publishing for this content type” and ensure the ‘publish’ option is selected and then click OK as shown below.

Figure 4: Content type publishing page
Now you are done but you may not find the content type available immediately as the publishing is managed by a timer job which usually run in every 15 minutes. To run the job immediately you can navigate to Central Admin site => Monitoring => Review Job definitions. Then you can run the ‘Content Type Hub’ immediately.

Use Published Content Type
1. Associate Metadata connection to your web application:
To use published content type from a different web application or site collection, you need to associate the metadata connection with the web application. To do so navigate to the Central Administration => Application Management => Configure service application associations. Then click on the site link and you’ll be provided an “Configure Service Application Associations” window. From there ensure you have selected the metadata service which you configured for content type.
After associating the metadata service with web application, you may not get the content type immediately as a timer job will sync the content type between content type hubs and consumers. To run the job immediately navigate to Central Admin site => Monitoring => Review Job definitions. Then find the job “Content Type Subscriber”. There are one job for each subscriber. Find the job for your site and run immediately.
2. Use Content Type
To use content type go to the site where you want to use the content type. But before that make sure you have associated the metadata connection for this web application as described in step 1. Now create a new list in the consumed web site and go to list settings. Then click ‘Advanced settings’ and select yes for ‘Allow Management of Content Types’. Now click ok and move back to settings page and you should get the ‘Content Types’ option as shown below:

Figure 5: Content Type settings for list/library
Now you can click on ‘Add from existing site Content Types’ and you should get the consumed content type ‘MyContentType’ as we created at step 1 under section ‘Publish Content Type’. If you don’t find the content type defined in content type hub site, there’s something wrong. To troubleshoot the problem move to the next section.

Troubleshoot, if Content type is not available in the consumed web site
To find if there’s any problem in publishing content type, go to site where you have defined the content type. Then go to site settings => “Content type Publishing“. Here you will find options for viewing error log. Though the error log is not so much user friendly but you may get the gist of problem.
If there’s nothing in the error log then make sure the timer job (which actually causes the content types to publish/consume) is run. Timer jobs run periodically, may be after 15 minutes. To run the job immediately, go to Central Administration => Monitoring => Review Job Definitions. Find all jobs related to Content types. After running all jobs check if content type is available. If not available then search for error in the error log as described in previous paragraph.

SharePoint 2010 ULS and Custom Error Logging

As many of you have already experienced in SharePoint 2007 (WSS and/or MOSS), even though ULS (Unified Logging Service) was shipped with the platform, extra work was required to write directly to the log files, or to monitor the health of your SharePoint farm servers. The next generation, SharePoint 2010, improves the situation considerably. Let's explore.


Where can I read, and how can I write to SharePoint 2010 ULS logs?


I. Reading SharePoint 2010 USL Logs

SharePoint keeps track of every event, and everything it does, by logging into files. In SharePoint 2007, information is written to the ULS log files under the 12 hive; SharePoint 2010 writes its event information under the 14 hive, {SharePoint Root}\LOGS, on each SharePoint server in a farm. 

These files contain raw data which, depending on how the Event Throttling was configured, trace everything happening in your SharePoint site. Therefore, it can be challenging to find a specific log entry in the files. However, SharePoint 2010 overcomes this task by assigning some uniqueness to each log entry. To quote MSDN, "This uniqueness, called a correlation token, is a GUID that is presented to the user when an error occurs." When an error occurs, to locate the entry in the file, we simply copy this GUID string and use it for our search.
See the error message below:

Then, go back to your 14/LOGS folder, open the most recently modified file, and search for a specific entry by its ID:

Now, you can analyze the entry and diagnose what caused the error.
However, reading log files on a local drive doesn't tell you the whole story. Someone may ask, "How can I monitor or maintain a healthy and stable farm? Do I have to watch it on each server?" The answer to that question is "If you're doing it properly, no." Microsoft has improved SharePoint 2010 by providing a central logging location called the WSS_Logging database, which was not shipped with WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007. The WSS_Logging database contains all logging information from all servers which we use to monitor what is happening in our farm servers.

By default, it stores information about USL Logs, Event Logs, Selected Performance Monitor Counters, Blocking SQL Queries, SQL DMV Queries, Timer Job Usage, and so on.
Now, let's spend a little time diving deeper to see what happens behind the scenes, and where the data comes from.
1. Open "Configure usage and health data collection" from SharePoint 2010 Central Administration:

2. Now let's see what events are checked in the section, "Events to log":

This section allows you to specify what events to trace on the local drive of each front-end Web server. The information is then imported to the logging database. Now you know where the data comes from, but what is happening behind the scenes? Keep reading!
Did you notice the "Log Collection Schedule" section? Click on it and open the link Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import.

SharePoint 2010 creates a timer job named "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import" to help us collect the log files located under the 14 hive on each server, and copy the events you specified into your central logging database (which can be exposed later for other purposes such as reporting).
You can even schedule this timer job based on the load patterns of your server:

Now you understand where the data come from and what happens behind the scenes, but the story doesn't end there. Let's continue!

II. Writing to SharePoint 2010 USL Logs

Writing to log files is always a best practice; no matter if it's for diagnostic purposes or error handling, logging allows you to track the health of your applications when things don't work as they were designed. Fortunately, Microsoft has made life easier by providing additional logging and debugging capabilities in SharePoint 2010.
To write to USL log files we simply use the SPDiagnosticsService class:

1:  try
2:  {
3:      throw new Exception(“Test USL LOGS”);
4:  }
5:  catch (Exception ex)
6:  {
7:      SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, new SPDiagnosticsCategory("My Category",        TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Error), TraceSeverity.Unexpected, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
8:  }

Everything seems OK, but there is one mirrored shortcoming in the text log. The Product column of the entry is "Unknown."

It's confusing if we have many custom components trying to write to the same log file at the same time. We couldn't determine which entry belonged to what component.

SharePoint 2010 doesn't make it easy for us to provide the name of the product that logged the message; we need a full trust farm solution to interact with SPDiagnosticsService.

Therefore, in order to write the product name to the ULS log files, we have to create a custom Logging Service by inheriting from the SPDiagnosticsServiceBase class.

1:  using System;
2:  using System.Collections.Generic;
3:  using System.Linq;
4:  using System.Text;
5:  using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
7:  namespace Bamboo.WebParts
8:  {
9:      class USLCustomLogService : SPDiagnosticsServiceBase
10:      {
11:          private static string PRODUCT_NAME = "JohnJay_PMC";
13:          private USLCustomLogService() : base("Custom USL Logging Service", SPFarm.Local) { }
14:          private static USLCustomLogService logSerivce;
15:          public static USLCustomLogService LogSerivce
16:          {
17:              get
18:              {
19:                  if (logSerivce == null)
20:                  {
21:                      logSerivce = new USLCustomLogService();
22:                  }
23:                  return logSerivce;
24:              }
25:          }
27:          protected override IEnumerable<SPDiagnosticsArea> ProvideAreas()
28:          {
29:              List<SPDiagnosticsArea> areas = new List<SPDiagnosticsArea>{
30:              new SPDiagnosticsArea(PRODUCT_NAME, new List<SPDiagnosticsCategory>{
31:                  new SPDiagnosticsCategory("BB_Info", TraceSeverity.Verbose, EventSeverity.Information),
32:                  new SPDiagnosticsCategory("BB_Error", TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Warning),
33:              })
34:              };
35:              return areas;
36:          }
38:          public static void DisplayInfo(string methodName, string errorMessage)
39:          {
40:              SPDiagnosticsCategory category = USLCustomLogService.LogSerivce.Areas[PRODUCT_NAME].Categories["BB_Info"];
41:              USLCustomLogService.LogSerivce.WriteTrace(0, category, TraceSeverity.Verbose, methodName + "::" + errorMessage);
42:          }
44:          public static void DisplayError(string methodName, string errorMessage)
45:          {
46:              SPDiagnosticsCategory category = USLCustomLogService.LogSerivce.Areas[PRODUCT_NAME].Categories["BB_Error"];
47:              USLCustomLogService.LogSerivce.WriteTrace(0, category, TraceSeverity.Unexpected, methodName + "::" + errorMessage);
48:          }
49:      }
50:  }

Now, let's test the custom logging service with the following example:

1:  protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
2:  {
3:              base.OnInit(e);
4:              try
5:              {
6:                  throw new ApplicationException("Test my ULS custom log service.");
8:              }
9:              catch (ApplicationException ex)
10:              {
11:                  USLCustomLogService.DisplayError("OnInit", ex.Message);
12:              }
13:  }

Next, go to the 14/LOGS folder, open the most recently modified log file, and search for the key "JohnJay_PMC" to see if it was traced.

As you can see, by using a custom Logging Service, we can log the name of our products which makes it easier to track our own messages and to locate our entry quickly in a bunch of text.

Note that when implementing a custom Logging Service, we have to provide a list of categories and logging levels supported by the service. We can do this by overriding the ProvideAreas method. In the example above, I implemented two categories, but you can increase categories as necessary.

Now we know exactly how SharePoint 2010 ULS can help us measure the stability of our SharePoint farm servers and how to use it effectively and efficiently. I hope that you found this article useful!

Happy SharePointing.... :)